Artificial Turf, Supply, & Installation

Artificial Turf, Supply, & Installation

Low-Maintenance & Eco-Friendly Alternative to Natural Grass

If you're looking for an easy way to spruce up your yard without spending a fortune, artificial turf is the perfect solution. Artificial turf from DBI Industries is not just for stadiums and golf courses anymore; it's becoming increasingly popular for residential and commercial use as well. In addition to being a low- maintenance solution, artificial turf offers a host of benefits that make it a great option for homeowners and business owners alike.


Benefits of Investing in Artificial Turf

There is a good reason for many residents and business owners in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens to opt for the Artificial turf supply and installation services that DBI Industries has to offer.

Water Conservation

Artificial turf is a great way to conserve water. Depending on where you live, water restrictions can be a real issue. Artificial turf eliminates the need for watering and fertilizing, so you can enjoy a beautiful green lawn without the hassle or expense of maintaining it.

Durable & Long-Lasting

Another benefit of artificial turf is that it’s incredibly durable. It’s designed to withstand a variety of weather conditions, from extreme heat to heavy snow, and won’t wear down over time like natural grass. It’s also designed to be low-maintenance, so you don’t have to worry about mowing, weeding, or reseeding.

No Water or Fertilizers Required

By far, one of the best advantages of opting for artificial turf installation for your residential or commercial space in Brooklyn, Manhattan, or Queens is – its artificial grass. Artificial grass requires no watering, so it drastically reduces water consumption. This is especially beneficial in areas with limited water resources or during times of drought. Artificial grass does not require the use of fertilizers or pesticides, which can be harmful to the environment. This reduces pollution and helps to maintain a healthy ecosystem.

Call DBI Industries Today (718) 649-2563

Artificial Turf Installation for Business

As businesses look for ways to reduce their environmental impact and cut costs, many have started to consider installing the artificial turf. This synthetic grass offers numerous benefits to businesses, from reduced water consumption to improved aesthetic appeal. The installation of artificial turf is relatively straightforward and cost-effective, making it an attractive option for businesses looking to spruce up their grounds. Here’s a look at the advantages of artificial grass installation in a business.

Cost Savings

One of the biggest advantages of artificial turf is that it can significantly reduce water consumption. This can lead to big cost savings, as businesses no longer have to purchase and maintain a lawnmower or use large amounts of water for irrigation. By reducing water consumption, businesses can also reduce their energy costs, as they won’t have to run pumps or sprinklers.

Low Maintenance

Artificial turf is a get-and-forget deal for business owners and homeowners in Brooklyn, Manhattan, or Queens. Artificial turf installation is growing in popularity mainly because it does not require costly maintenance and upkeep. Synthetic grass is resistant to most types of weather, meaning it will retain its look and quality for years to come. Once we install the artificial turf at your property, you get to enjoy real-life-like grass without the monthly maintenance costs. Now, that’s a sweet deal!

Why Hire DBI Industries?

When it comes to installing artificial turf for your home, the decision of whether to hire a professional artificial turf installer is a big one. While some people may feel comfortable tackling the job themselves, hiring an experienced professional can be the best way to ensure that your artificial turf is installed correctly and will last for years to come.

A professional artificial turf installer will have the experience and expertise to get the job done right. When you hire a professional, you can rest assured that the job will be done correctly and that the artificial turf will be properly installed. The turf will also be installed according to all safety regulations and codes, which can help to ensure that the turf is safe to use and will last for years.

Another benefit of hiring a professional artificial turf installer is that they will have access to better- quality materials and tools. Professional installers have access to specialized tools and materials that the average homeowner may not have access to, which can help to ensure that the job is done properly and that the turf is installed correctly. Professional installers will also be able to provide advice on the best type of artificial turf to use for your home or business.


Artificial Turf Supply & Installation in New York City

Are you looking for a reliable way to keep your outdoor space looking beautiful? Look no further - our professional artificial turf supply and installation services are here. With our experienced team, we can help you maintain your yard, say “no” to creeping weeds, and enhance the beauty of your residential or commercial space. We have all you need for artificial turf supply and installation success. Don’t wait any longer - get in touch with us today and start enjoying a beautiful garden!

To find out more about our artificial turf supply and other services, please feel free to contact us at (718) 649-2563 or send an email to

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